Contribution Guidelines

If you are interested in supporting or contributing to this guide, please keep on reading.

If you are not, feel free to browse the other pages.

We are currently still in the early phases of this guide, so any form of contribution, including just giving feedback, is greatly appreciated. Please open an issue on our Github repository with your feedback, or begin working on a Pull Request.

If you are mainly looking for things to work on, refer to the TODO section.



The language of this guide is English. American or British English are both acceptable and there is no preference for either.

The only exceptions are pages specific to a particular language, for example with references to online dictionaries or official grammar rule books, or other typographic advices, for example concerning the usage of quotation marks.

When adding such a page, please briefly describe in your Pull Request what the text is about, what topics it covers, and, if necessary, why it only applies to a specific language.


This guide is written in Markdown and uses mkdocs to compile the static HTML pages.

Adding a New Page

In order for your page to be accessible, you need to add it to the mkdocs.yml file. The title used there must be the same as the first #H1 header on that file.


Various sections are still under construction. You will occasionally find TODO as verbatim text or within comments as <todo>.

Our goal is to have a section with one or more pages for each of the roles specified in the roles page.

Feel free to work on any of the TODO marks or create a new section.

Currently, we aim to add the following topics in no particular priority:

  • Workflow
  • Translation
  • Edit
  • Timing
    • Basic Procedure
    • Snapping
    • Joining, Splitting
    • Post-processing (TPP & Useful Scripts)
    • Shifting & Sushi
    • Karaoke
  • Typesetting
    • …with Aegisub
      • Styling (of dialogue)
      • Signs
      • Positioning, Layers, Rotation, Perspective, …
      • Masking
    • Automation Scripts
    • Movement & Motion Tracking
    • with Adobe Illustrator
    • (…with Adobe After Effects)
  • Encoding [I'm sure there's something to be done]
  • Quality Check
  • Karaoke Effects

There is a collection of links here that can be used as reference when working on any future section.

Style Guidelines

The following are the style guidelines for various aspects of this guide. The most important aspect is having Semantic Linefeeds. The other points may serve as guidelines for formatting future pages.

Semantic Linefeeds (!)

Always use Semantic Linefeeds when editing text. They are used to break lines into logical units rather than after a certain line length threshold is reached!

They drastically improve sentence parsing in the human brain and make code diffing much more simple compared to hard-wrapping at 80 columns. You should still aim not to exceed 80 columns in a single line, but unless you are writing code or URLs, you will most likely not have any problems with this. Markdown will collapse adjacent lines into a paragraph, so you don't have to worry about the rendered result.

As a rule of thumb, always start a new line on a comma, a period, any other sentence terminating punctuation, parenthesized sentences (not words), or new items in a long list (such as the one you are reading right now).


The indent size is four spaces.


Unordered list lines should be indented once, while ordered lists are indented twice. The text of an unordered item should have one space after the -, while the text of an ordered item should start four columns after the number.

- This is an unordered list
    - With a sub-list
    - And another item in that sub-list
        - With a sub-sub-list.
1.  This is an ordered list.
    Consecutive lines are indented with four spaces.
2.  Another list item
10. Now only one space after the item number.

Blank Lines

All block lists should be separated from text with a blank line on each side. The same applies to code blocks.

Separate headings from text with two blank lines before the heading, and one after. Headings immediately following their parent heading only need one blank line in-between.

Additionally, separate text from end-of-section hyperlink lists with one blank line before the list. For image embeds, there should be a blank line on each side.

Horizontal rules can be useful for splitting subsections or as a visual guide to where the next explanation begins. They are created with a sole --- on its own line, and must have a blank line on each side. With the introduction of mkdocs, a horizontal rule is automatically created at the bottom of each page, meaning that footnotes can simply be placed under the last section or as part of the last link section.


There are three types of hyperlinks.

  • The text you want highlighted is more than one word, or different than the shorthand name of the link.
  • The text you want highlighted is the same as the shorthand.
  • You want the full address displayed.

For the first two hyperlinking styles, you will want to include a line at the end of that header section in the following format.


If there are multiple links used in the first two styles, you will want multiple lines at the end of the header section.


For relative links (links to other pages, images, or files within this repository), follow the guidelines for Jekyll Relative Links.

Section Linking

If you are linking to a section on the same page, [section name](#header) is allowed in-line. An example of this is the hyperlink section you are reading. In markdown, this is simply [the hyperlink section you are reading](#hyperlinking).

The section names are converted to all lowercase, and whitespace characters* are converted to a dash -. Special characters excluding the dash are discarded. Duplicate whitespace, such as the two spaces on either side of the & in the following example, are combined into one dash. Trailing whitespace is also ignored. For example, a section titled Foo & BAR-2 !- is converted to #foo-bar-2-, while Foo & BAR-2 ! is converted to #foo-bar-2.

Adding Images

When adding images to your paragraphs, use the following syntax:

![Hidden caption text](images/foldername/filename.png)

Make sure your image is separated from other images or text with a blank line above and below, as this will align them correctly.

Please make sure your image in .png format, and is compressed to the max to save space in the repo. You can use the pngcrush command line to do this.

for i in *.png; do pngcrush -ow -reduce -noforce -brute "$i" "temp.png"; done


If you are archiving another website's text or copying their images into this repository, make sure to cite your sources using APA formatting. To generate APA citations, use PapersOwl. Only use this if you fear the website is not a permanent source.

For mid-document citations, use "in-text citations" with footnotes for the full citations. For a full document citation, simply place the full citation at the bottom of the document, under a horizontal rule.


Footnotes can be used for information that would interrupt the flow or purpose of a paragraph, but may still be of interest. They are created with [^#] in-text, and an additional [^#]: Text here... at the bottom of the page. where # is to be replaced with an increasing and per-page unique number.